Palestinian-Israeli Public Negotiating Assembly
Round 9 - UCLA
Agreement on Trust Building Measures
We, the undersigned, delegations from Israel and Palestine, after serious, honest and difficult deliberation have agreed upon the following trust building measures:
1) Israelis and Palestinians have the right to live in peace, security, dignity and the mutual recognition of both sovereign states.
2) Both sides are to stop incitement and educate for peace and tolerance.
3) A joint Israeli/Palestinian academic committee will draft a shared textbook with both people’s narratives to be taught in schools and foster understanding.
4) Construction on the Wall will be frozen until a final status agreement is reached.
5) Continued gradual removal of checkpoints within the West Bank as security concerns allow.
a) Aspiration of no more checkpoints within the West Bank within 5 years or until a final status peace agreement is reached (which ever comes first).
b) Palestinians assume security in W. Bank and Gaza with the support of Israelis.
c) Palestinians are to prevent attacks against Israelis and Israelis are to prevent attacks against Palestinians.
6) In case of an attack on either side, the side from which the attack is perpetrated is to publicly condemn the attack, and there is to be a transparent enforcement/judicial process of attackers.
7) There will be an absolute freeze on settlement building/expansion except in the large settlement blocks for which land will be swapped in a final status agreement, though those are not to expand in land mass either. The large settlements blocks are Ariel, Gosh Ha’Tzion, and Ma’ale Adumim.
8) Israel will immediately allow humanitarian aid into Gaza including food, medical, and house- building supplies. Israel will allow shipments through having fully inspected the shipments. Israel will gradually allow removal of the blockade as security concerns allow.
9) Regarding prisoners: Israel is to release, within a time period of 6 months, 5% of Palestinian political prisoners (as defined by a joint Israeli/Palestinian committee). The number of remaining Palestinian political prisoners that Israel is to release will be discussed after the negotiated release of “Gilad Shalit.”
Palestinian delegation Israeli delegation
The “Minds of Peace Experiment”-May 2010
Palestinian-Israeli Public Negotiating Assembly
Round 9-UCLA
The Final Peace Agreement
We, the undersigned, delegations from Israel and Palestine, after serious, honest and difficult deliberations have agreed upon the following peace agreements:
1. Both sides have reached a two-state solution: an Israeli state and an independent Palestinian state.
2. The Palestinian state will be demilitarized.
3. Settlements within the newly created Palestinian states will be under Palestinian rule and as such, will have the option to either remain as equal Palestinian citizens or return to Israel and be compensated.
a. The settlements within the Palestinian states will be demilitarized.
4. The three major settlements blocks (Ariel, Ma’ale Adumim, Goshe Ha’Tzion) will be under Israeli sovereignty and there will be a swap of land that is equal in quantity and quality that will be decided upon by a joint Israeli/Palestinian committee. Distinct borders will also be discussed under review of this same joint committee.
5. We the Israeli delegation acknowledge that the Palestinians who left the lands of what later would be called Israel during the years 1947-1949 are refugees and have the right to return under the following stipulations:
a. The Palestinians refugees would have the right to return into the new Palestinian state.
b. A certain number of refugees that would be determined upon the approval of the Israeli government would be allowed to reunite with their families and go back into Israel.
c. Israel will take an active part in the international efforts to solve the refugees’ problems including: relocation, rehabitation, and compensation.
d. Israel will offer help as much as the Palestinian state would be willing to accept in regard to the right of return of refugees’ (economic stipulation).
6. The Israeli delegation acknowledges that the 1967 War created a refugee problem and that the Palestinian government will have the authority to allow them back and compensation to those refugees will be the responsibility of the international community.
This delegation did not have the appropriate amount of time to address the Jerusalem issue and will be discussed at a later time to be determined by the delegates.
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Palestinian Delegation Israeli Delegation

The Minds of Peace, UCLA Hillel, UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, Students for Justice for Palestine, and Middle East Peace Coalition
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiation by The People
May 16-17, 2010
Five Israelis meet 5 Palestinians to discuss, debate, and negotiate different solutions to one of the most entrenched conflicts in the world. They have 5 sessions to reach a peace agreement. At the end of each formal session the audience is invited to participate in the negotiating prrocess.
Sunday, May 16: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Conference Room #054
1:00 PM – Introductions
1:30 PM-3:30 PM- First Session
4:00- 6:00 PM – Second Session
7:30-9:30 – Third Session
Monday, May 17, 2010: Moore 100
4:30 -6:30 PM– Fourth Session
7:30 PM-9:30 PM-Final Session
This “Minds of Peace Experiment” is a small scale simulation of a Palestinian-Israeli Public Negotiating Congress. The assembly is designed to intimately involve the people in the peacemaking process and replace violent sentiment with peaceful negotiation. This is a step in our movement to build an official Palestinian-Israeli public assembly.
Moderators: Professor Sapir Handelman (Israeli) and Professor Mazen Badra (Palestinian)
Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Wayne State University
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